PXL Elite

a World of Vitality

Your Comprehensive Mentorship, Performance Training, Health and Wellness Platform.

Global Expansion:

PXL’s expanding reach to the US, UK, and South America brings transformative fitness and vitality solutions. Integrated mentorship and accountability enhance user experience, empowering individuals to achieve lasting health goals.

Holistic Wellness:

Consolidating fitness techniques and biometric diagnostics, PXL fosters health consciousness with tailored plans and advanced assessments, promoting holistic well-being.

sign up for a free consultation.

Globally redefining health standards, PXL inspires healthier lifestyles and unlocks potential through innovation, making a meaningful impact on global wellness approaches.

  • Fitness Training
  • Nutrition Planning
  • Diagnostic Evaluations
  • Biometric Evaluations
  • Mental Health Evaluations
  • Lifestyle Mentorship

Not just fit. fit for life.

Mentorship fosters holistic fitness, promoting internal health, mental well-being, and balanced lifestyle for optimal overall wellness.


California & Texas







Strategic Partnerships:

PXL’s global network of partners enables comprehensive diagnostics and personalized training programs. From individuals seeking to improve health to elite athletes aiming for peak performance, our partnerships provide tailored solutions.

Data-driven Insights:

Collaborating with our partners, PXL collects extensive data to fuel future insights. This data-driven approach ensures continuous innovation, empowering individuals worldwide to optimize their wellness journey.

We Are A Community: Our corporate team consist of a network of providers, including diagnostics labs, physicians, clinics, and mentors.

PXL collaborates with state-of-the-art diagnostics labs worldwide, specializing in measuring diverse genetic markers for health conditions and high-performance attributes. These partnerships enable precise assessments, guiding tailored wellness strategies for individuals aiming to optimize their health and performance potential.

Our network of physicians shares PXL’s core values, providing expert evaluation and guidance for our clients. These professionals offer comprehensive health assessments, ensuring that each individual’s wellness journey aligns with their unique needs and goals, backed by medical expertise and personalized care.

Health and wellness clinics serve as satellite locations for on-site testing and client support, enhancing accessibility to PXL’s services. These clinics provide a convenient hub for individuals to undergo diagnostics and receive personalized guidance, fostering a seamless integration of wellness into their daily lives.

PXL mentors play a pivotal role in guiding and holding individuals accountable throughout their wellness journey. With expertise in fitness, internal health management, mental health, and lifestyle guidance, these mentors provide holistic support to clients, empowering them to achieve sustainable well-being and personal growth.


performance categories


Weight Management


Internal Health



Mental Toughness




Habits | Hobbies


Join our team.

Become a Mentor, let's change the world!